Here are a few of our favorite, tried and true, homemade recipes using all natural ingredients. It's easier on the pocketbook and healthier for you!
*** Laundry Soap ***
1 bar Fels Naptha soap
2 c. water
Grate soap into a small saucepan. Add water and melt.
Fill large bucket half full with hot water (approx. 1 1/2 gallons). Add melted soap and mix well.
1 c. Arm & Hammer Washing Soda
1/2 c. 20 Mule Team Borax
powdered soap to bucket. Mix until dissolved. Fill bucket to top with
hot water (approx. 3 gallons total). Cover tight and let sit overnight
before using. Use approx. 1/2 to 3/4 c. per large load. Soap and water amounts can be adjusted depending on the size of your bucket or jug. This is a low-suds recipe and can be used on frontload washers.
*** All-purpose healing oil ***
Lavender Oil |
This oil is good for all those little
boo-boo's, bites, blisters, acne, etc. Rub on your temples for an
afternoon pick me up. Lavender is very healing and has long been valued
for this property. For external use only.
Roller ball applicators work well for easy application, and stash easily in your purse/pocket. Fill container with grapeseed oil and 2 drops of lavendar essential oil.
*** Deodorant ***
1/4 cup corn starch1/4 cup baking soda
5 Tbl coconut oil
10 drops of essential oil (optional)
Mix well with fork and store in air-tight container. Apply with your fingers. Does not need to be refrigerated.
*** Baby Wipes ***
2 Tbl baby wash2 Tbl baby oil (coconut or olive oil)
2 cups of hot water
Take one roll of paper towel and cut in half with long, serrated knife. Remove the cardboard tube from the center. Place one half, cut side down, into a large, airtight container. Dissolve baby wash and oil into water and pour over the paper towel. Seal tightly and let stand at least one hour before using. Pull wipes from the center of the roll.
*** Salt Dough ***
1 cup flour
1 cup water
1/2 cup salt
1 Tbl salad oil
2 tsp cream of tartar
food coloring optional
Combine in saucepan and cook over medium heat. Stir constantly until it forms a large ball. Turn dough onto floured surface and knead until smooth. Yields approximately 2 cups of dough. Allow to dry until hard. Decorate with permanent marker or paint. Store in airtight container.
*** Soapless Furniture Wash *** 
3 Tbl linseed oil (raw or boiled)2 Tbl turpentine
1 quart hot water
Mix well and allow to cool. use a soft cloth, well wrung out, to apply to one small area at a time. Wipe dry as you go. Polish with clean soft cloth.
*** Lavendar Linen Water ***

2 ounces vodka
15-20 drops of essential oil of lavendar
Mix well. Use in your iron or with a spray bottle. Store in refrigerator.
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