
Saturday, August 20, 2011

Symco Shakedown 2011

This years Symco Shakedown was the best yet! It went better all around, the weather was nice, camping was fun, the bands were great and the pin up contest was a blast! This year I planned a little better too. The kids came with us camping Thursday night then went to Grandma's for the other half of the weekend. Sometimes it's just too much for the little ones, as we found out last year when our youngest got sick.  Also we get to dance to the bands at night with out them, you know that fun stuff you used to do before kids? If you haven't found out yet I didn't make it in the pin up contest. Three very lovely gals got into the top three, and nine more into the calendar. The contest flew by pretty fast as nerves will do that to you, but I still had lots of fun and met lots of new great gals!
Strikng a pose with my cute goodie bag post show.
But alas all good things come to an end. We packed it up Sunday morning, said good-bye to our friends, and headed home. As much as wish I could live at Symco Shakedown, I can't, so it's back to my reality.
Today's picking from the garden.
Right now that means harvesting and preserving food from the garden, back to school shopping, and all the other general housewife duties. The red manicure is already chipped. However, it will be great to pop some fresh basil into my pasta from my garden not the store, or eat some sweet corn in the middle of winter. I think the rewards out weigh the labor. I am trying to take it all in before fall is here. If I look back at how much my life has changed since the last Shakedown it is pretty astounding, I have made new friends that enjoy the retro lifestyle, learned how to dance, tried lots of new recipes, and got back into sewing. All in all, not bad. I wonder what's in store for the next Symco Shakedown? I don't know, but I can't wait.

1 comment:

  1. **sniffle, sniffle** Amazing how much the Shakedown has touched so many lives. lol Seriously, we all love it!
