
Friday, August 26, 2011

Book Review : LOOK and COOK

This past year for her birthday, my daughter received a children's cookbook from my mother.  Mom always cooked and baked from scratch when I was growing up.  And I think she's determined that my daughter know a pastry cutter when she sees one.  Or an egg beater.  Or a flour sifter.  Tools of the trade that have fallen out of favor in the past years.

LOOK and COOK: A Cookbook for Children, by Tina Davis, is perfect for the retro-housewife whose children show an interest in her daily kitchen routine.  The hardcover, spiral bound, 8x11" book is a delight for the eyes on every page.  The colorful illustrations range from classic 1930s silhouettes to kitschy '60s dancing hotdogs.

And yes, there are three pages of kitchen tools so children can identify what is that they are using.

There are pages on kitchen safety.

Also several easy-to-read pages on measurements.

No children's cookbook would be worth its salt if it didn't include the old stand-by favorite recipes of macaroni and cheese, spaghetti, chocolate chip cookies, chicken noodle soup and blueberry muffins.  This book hits all the big ones.  You know, those dishes that your children request every time you foolishly ask them, "What should I make for dinner tonight?" (as if they'll have some brilliant idea that you haven't thought of yet).

Even Mamie Eisenhower's fudge recipe is included to remind you that this isn't your typical cookbook!

Aside from the classic recipes, possibly my favorite part of the book includes pages on how to set the table.  Teaching young children this simple skill is something that isn't as commonplace as you might think.  It reinforces children's understanding of left and right, and builds a foundation for table manners. 

I highly recommend this book for children ages 6 and up.  The fun illustrations will grab their attention (and hopefully hold it long enough to get all ingredients into the bowl), and the recipes will satisfy their tummies even as they get old enough to cook on their own.  And...I've been known to pull this one off the shelf, too.  Sometimes it's just more fun to mix waffles for the umpteenth time when you can look at that row of dancing can-can eggs!

1 comment:

  1. That's a cool book. I'm not waiting until age six for that book. I think harvesting, preparing, and eatting together as a family is very important. It teaches many important life skills. My boys love helping with all these things.
