
Thursday, August 18, 2011

Straw Hat ala Carmen Miranda

Were you hoping for a towering hat of plums and cherries?   While I would love to build such a creation, I have serious doubts as to its usefulness here in Wisconsin.  So I went for a more reserved fruit arrangement.
Supplies are simple.
To begin, wrap the crown with a generous length of ribbon and tie a square knot.

Now to decide which fruits to use...peaches with grapes...?
...fruit with grapes... ? peaches and fruit... ?

I decided to go with just the bunch of assorted fruit.  One unidentified berry has a crack on it, but that just adds to the "vintage-ness" of it!

Tie the ribbon around the fruit.  Trim the tails to desired length and melt the ends with a match (best trick ever to avoid fraying!).
Once things are positioned the way you want, just take a few stitches to secure the fruit.  A couple stitches in the center of the bow and 2-3 stitches around the crown to secure the ribbon is also a good idea.
And no blog post would be complete without the classic backwards camera shot in the bathroom!  I promise to get a better pic when I'm dressed in something not made out of cotton knit.  :)