
Monday, November 12, 2012

Pie Crust 101

"We must have a pie.  Stress cannot exist in the presence of pie."
~ David Mamet, from his 1999 play, Boston Marriage

This past Saturday the Hometown Victory Girls and some of their friends got together at the Willow Homestead for a little stress relief.  We decided it was the perfect time to fight back against the tempting laziness of a Pillsbury crust and presumed thriftiness of Musselman's pie filling.  Holiday baking season is fast approaching.  Good bye to convenience; hello homemade yumminess!

Since all of us were at different skill levels of pie making, we decided to bake two classic apple pies.  That would give us all lots of practice rolling out a crust.

Jennie was our designated apple peeler.

Rebecca worked her lattice magic on one pie while Wild Cat did the HVG cutouts shown in the top photo.

Sherry mastered the proper wrist action on the rolling pin for our next dessert...

...a Chocolate Pecan Tart.  How can you have a girls' day out and not have something chocolate?  This beauty was baking while we cleaned up the kitchen and headed for the dining room.


And these are the satisfied smiles of an afternoon well spent.  This holiday season we will proudly present our families with homemade flakiness and perfectly sweetened apples.  For more photos and all the recipes, head over to our facebook album.  Happy Baking!

P.S.  Don't let all those aprons fool you.  We didn't spend all afternoon slaving over the hot stove.  Jennie treated us to a vintage clothing swap, and we even found time to visit the sheep.

1 comment:

  1. This looked like soooo much fun! I am new to your blog and I must want to say I love it! Thank you so much for all you write!
