
Monday, November 5, 2012

Government Issue KP Apron (almost)

KP - "kitchen police"
My dad served in the Army during Korea, and while we didn't hear many stories from those years, we did hear about KP Duty.  As a child one of the household chores that was in the rotation (along with setting the table, emptying the dishwasher and dusting the downstairs) was clearing the dirty dishes every night after dinner.  To us this was known as "KP."  After the meal was finished, we all looked innocently at each other as the familiar question was uttered, "Who's got KP this week?"

Well, several years ago I found a half apron at the thrift store with a "Permanent KP" pocket on the front.  I took the pocket off and remade it into a more utilitarian apron for my younger brother.  He recently bought his first house, and this seemed like the perfect housewarming gift.

Now I've made a few aprons in my day, but this had to be the easiest one yet.  Since it was for a guy, I was immediately relieved of having to bother with any froufrou ruffles and decorations.  I was aiming for the basic cafe apron.

I bought 2/3 of a yard of cotton duck.  Cut out a rectangle 24" W x 36" L.  Folded it in half and eye-balled the side curve along the chest to shape the top bib of the apron.  I hemmed the top edge of the bib, the straight side edges and bottom hem.  Then I sewed on the KP pocket.

Along the two curved sides, I turned a 3/4 inch casing.  Through that I ran a length of rope (how can you get more masculine?).  The rope extends from the back waist, up thru the side, around the back of the neck, down the other side and around to tie in the back.  This one continuous piece allows for the neck to be adjusted to any length or size.  I'm sure this technique is not new, but I first came across it at a Pampered Chef party.

My brother laughed when he saw this.  It's always fun to be reminded of something from the past that then seemed simply torturous, but now seems so routine.  He'll probably never wear it, but that's okay.  It was a good trial run, and I'm sure I'll be using this technique in other aprons.  Other aprons with more froufrou and ruffles, of course.

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