
Monday, September 23, 2013

Lady Day

Last year we took two glamping trips, and while they were both fun, my heart longed for a little camper I could call my own. A tent really doesn't bother me, however it is a lot of setup work and most of our camping trips are limited to a two day weekend.
My goal for spring 2013- find us a camper!  I did not even have to seek one out, it came to me. A relative had a 1970 Shasta 1400 series that they were going to fix up as a hunting shack but decided they would rather sell it. In comes a girl in need of a camper, and we were soon parking a camper in our snow covered driveway.
I must admit it was not love at first sight, after all I had my heart set on an older model, but she had "good bones" and lots of potential. Diamonds in the rough are right up this designer's alley.

 Walls had already been removed and replaced when she came to us.

Cold weather does not motivate me, but with a deadline of June 1st I suited up and got to work.

 Daddy-O started some demolition, but before going too far I stopped him to survey the progress. The ceiling had some water damage and despite the replacement of the vent, it was unsightly. So out goes the ceiling! We also had to replace some of the wall paneling that was already missing. The yellow houndstooth check flooring was the only original piece I was sure was staying.

A trip to the antique store proved fateful. This headboard came home with me for under $20 and was soon to become my back rest.
Daddy-O worked on framing out the back wall, which had no support, and replacing some water damaged wood. My job was to fill in the spaces with insulation.
The paneling in the kitchen will stay, but needs some paint as I am not loving the dark wood.

Cupboard doors off for sanding, priming, and painting.

The first piece of paneling goes up! Exciting!

 Daddy-O worked hard and got most of the paneling up, neglecting his Caddy, in the background.

BoPeep came over to help me pick paint colors, since I had too many ideas rolling around in my head. We discussed chandeliers, hammer handle walls, pop art, and pinstriping. I love entertaining her with my artistic ideas!
I decide up on a pale yellow and aqua to tone down the gold yellows in the headboard and counter.
So much sanding and priming made me think I might never see color, but alas one rainy day I put on my headphones and set to  work getting some paint on the walls. By this time Daddy-O was getting nervous that it would be finished for glamping.
 But my son and I were not worried....yet.
 An aqua stripe was added to tie it in with the kitchen and  I stained the ceiling natural to break up the color. Some where in my hours of painting I was inspired. My vision for this camper was always a place that felt feminine, breezy and relaxing like a trip back in time to a hot summer day in the 40's listening to some Billie Holiday. Ahh my happy place...that's it! I shall name her "Lady Day".
I can not tell you how excited I was to get all the cupboards put back. I could see the light at the end of the tunnel!
However with HVG Glamping less than one week away I was suddenly feeling a knot in my stomach. A three day memorial Day weekend was to the rescue as Daddy-O built me a bench seat across the back, and I added some last minute decorating.

 Curtains were found last minute at Goodwill and they were a perfect fit! The headboard went in as well.
A vintage mirror with Lily of the Valley etching caught my eye at the antique store, and now I had the perfect place to put it/excuse to buy it!
Check the tires and lights, we're ready to go to Wildcat Mountain for HVG Glamping!
To be continued.....


  1. I've had a camper sitting behind my pole building to do this same thing with. Only I want to make it a mobile shop. Anyway - good job! Looks good! Inspires me to get going....

  2. Wonderful! I'm so glad you got your glamper. I can see you are having fun!

  3. Working together to repair the water damage was a good idea! Acting on it before reaching the worst case scenario was definitely the best decision. In doing so, you can have peace of mind when traveling and while your camper is parked. You won't have to worry if it rains suddenly.

    -Allen Hoffman @ Damage-Restoration-Tucson
