
Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Bring out your hats!!

Now quick, bang on something with a wooden spoon and repeat,
"Bring out your hats!"

For fellow Monty Python fans out there, doesn't this sort of ring true?  Hats are such a great accessory, but unless their sole purpose is to keep the snow out of our ears, they sort of get left for dead.  Rarely does anyone wear a hat just for adornment purposes anymore.  And all these beautiful vintage creations of felt, rhinestones and netting are slowly deteriorating in their boxes. 

Well, honestly, I'm not any better at wearing my vintage hats.  Several of these are perfect matches to outfits that I've worn on more than one occasion, but do I ever grab the hat?  Nope.  So this past Sunday afternoon, I dumped them all on the dining room table and played dress-up.  I had a good time reminding myself just exactly what a hat can do for one's attitude, and my nine year old daughter enjoyed the entertainment, laughing at all my faces.

One of my easiest hats to wear is a 1950s low-profile, black felt with rhinestones.  Comfortable and unpretentious, this one is a no-brainer. 

Another 1950s vintage hat that fits both my hair style and several outfits in my closet is this white buckram hat. I love the wrap around detail in the front (which eliminates the need for pins!).

This black velvet number is a creation of mine dating back to when I first got hooked on peacocks.  I still adore peacocks, but sadly have never worn this one.

Continuing with my apparent love of tiny, back-of-the-head-perching hats, is this silly red one I picked up at the Hunnert Car PileUp car show in Illinois several years ago.  The top decoration is actually repeating rows of skinny ribbon stitched down to the base.  And I think the maker decided against the propeller in favor of the "wings" on either side.  Super silly, but it makes me laugh.

Another hat I purchased at a car show is this classic, faux fur leopard hat.  It's my single, bonafide designer hat, labeled "Saks Fifth Avenue."  And while I do use a leopard purse all winter, do I ever break this out of it's tissue paper?  (hanging my head in shame)

Ironically, the one hat that does get used is my mother's nurses cap.  This, of course, has made for the perfect Halloween costume more than one year.  I have even inherited the white bobby pins (still on the card).  But somehow, you just can't beat the original... mother in 1962 training as an x-ray technician.

One of my most recent purchases (see, the lack of wearing does not deter the need for buying) is this 1960s beauty.  Wire9Vintage advertised a sale over at her etsy shop, and as this was already on my favorites list, I jumped on the chance!  The front is trimmed with white mink and the back has a large satin bow.  Now should I get all my sewing done in the next month, this will look smashing with my Easter dress.  Because Easter bonnets are one tradition that hopefully will never die!

This navy blue creation is still under construction.  A while back Wild Kat gave me this gorgeous birdcage netting topped with a spidery swirl and scattering of dots.  I found a hat at the thrift store, discarded the raggedy flowers and put the two together.  I still want to add a large grosgrain bow to the back, similar to the white fur hat above. 

So hopefully I've inspired you to search the back of your closet for all your lost hats.  Whether you're in the mood for sultry netting or Little Rascal-esque beanies (see left), this simple accessory can put an extra spring in your step!


  1. Yay!! I love hats so much! Your collection is beautiful! It makes me want to pull out all of mine and play!

  2. I love hats! I haven't worn many lately because I'm growing out a pixie but I'm reaching your length about now and I'm super excited to get to wear them again!

  3. The netting turned out great on the navy hat! I have found that I need to start with the hat and plan my hair/outfit around it. It seems to work out better that way. Otherwise, they just end up getting dusty on my closet shelf. I'll be looking forward to seeing you in more of your gorgeous hats!

  4. Oh! All the hats look gorgeous on you, but I'm thrilled to see the little white number on you! Yay! I so love or when my treasures go to a great home. You are smashing!

    1. Honestly, that purchase revived my interest in hats so THANK YOU!
