
Friday, January 4, 2013

just a little Auld Lang Syne

We all love the holiday season.  Christmas seems so innocent with its tree trimming (and light bulb replacing), all the cookie baking (how many pounds of sugar did I go thru this year?!) and gift giving (and frantic last-minute sewing).  But hot on the heels of December 25th is December 31st.  This particular holiday seems to feel like a birthday-bachelor party rolled into one.  It's a chance to make a clean start, but somehow that should include copious amounts of liquor and zaniness.   This year the Hometown Victory Girls decided to play it low-key with a house party at the BoPeep's house.

We bundled up and headed out into the frosty night, arriving at the Willow Homestead with food and spirits.  Well, okay, I didn't because I live there, but this makes for a better photo. Vintage coats never get the attention they deserve!

Number One priority was to shoo the children upstairs so we could set the buffet table.  We started with smoked salmon, Italian olives, meatballs and shrimp cocktail.

And Wild Kat did a very cool cheese platter using almonds to create pine cones.  We were very tempted to stick a couple black olives on there and call them hedgehogs though. 

And of course no event would be complete without a bit of bacon.

Peachie did an amazing job on the dessert table.  She made the 2013 cupcakes topped with fondant swirls, Oreo clock faces and handwritten '2013s' in chocolate (scroll back up to the top photo).  Fruit, fudge and cranberry punch (in my lovely ironstone soup tureen) rounded out the table.

Our mini bar was fully stocked for fifty people, boasting everything from key lime martinis to Irish Coffee.  Honestly I think we had more fun in the planning and prep than anything!

Peachie's husband was gracious enough to lend his photography skills so we could get a few updated photos for our blog banner.  Check out our facebook album for more behind the scenes shenanigans.

So from all of us, to all of you, have a very wonderful New Year!