
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Late 50s Short Hair Style

The kids went back to school.  The cotton sundresses moved to the back of the closet.  The hotrod scene celebrated its last car show.  One step at a time, Summer had graciously given way to Fall.  And I felt the need to make a change of my own.  So armed with a photo of Elizabeth Taylor, I visited my beauty salon for a shorter, and hopefully, more sophisticated look.

Previously my hair was 6-7" long.  Now I'm down to 4 1/2" on the top and sides.  The back of the neck is 3 1/2" long, just enough to wrap once around a small roller.

I still follow the same setting pattern as I did when my hair was longer.  All rollers are all rolled down, none on the crown of my head.

Needless to say, I do not look like Elizabeth Taylor, but I am enjoying the shorter length.  The curls hold a little better than before and brush out nicely into soft waves between sets.  I may do away with the blonde highlight and go a couple shades darker for the Winter.  Next Summer...platinum!!  Just kidding.


  1. Beautiful! I love that length. This past Saturday my stylist had us come in so she could do some retro styles to photograph for her new website. It's unbelievably fun feeling glamorous!
