
Sunday, September 16, 2012

Hankie? Does anyone have a hankie?

After a little fall cleaning I have come to the conclusion that I have a handkerchief collection! Where did all these hankies come from? Some are from my grandfather who was never without his pocket knife or hankie while others I have picked up from garage sales etc. Why am I drawn to these? Better yet what am I going to do with all of these? I have been using them on bike rides, they fit into any small space including yes you guessed it, the brassiere, and come in handy for watery eyes or nose on the ride.
A few of my favorites, flowers seem to be a common theme.

My next lifestyle change will be to get back to basics with handkercheifs. With the exception of nasty sinus infections or wicked colds, I think it will be completely doable to replace my box of tissues with an adorable hankie in my pocket.
A monogrammed handkercheif

Please do not share your hankie, but for personal useyour handkercheif will not be ladden with germs unless you are sick. Plus I will feel better knowing I reduced the demand on our lovely trees.
A beautiful Lily of the Valley design.

Once you make these behaviors a habit it really is no harder to make choices that are better for you, your family, and the environment.
Holiday hankies.

If you have hankies that are just too pretty to blow your nose in or wipe your tears with this site has some great ideas to get you started collecting handkercheifs.

Beautifully gift boxed.

What collections are hiding in your drawers?

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