
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Are you old enough?

Do you ever see those trivia posts in your newsfeed on facebook with a caption reading "Hit like if you are old enough to know what this is!"  And the photo is of an aluminum ice cube tray with the divider inside that has to be manually cracked apart.  Does knowing what that is really make me old, or just old-fashioned?  Well, I'm stealing that idea.

So are you old enough to know what this is?

I found this in the dark recesses of my china cabinet.  The only other person I know who has one is my mother.  In fact this one most likely came from her house.  She probably has four or five, but she uses them on her desk as pencil holders.  She would lose this game. 

I'm sure there are many of you who are talking at your monitor right now.  "It's a frog.  Ga-duh."  Yes, a glass flower frog.  Now what I really am curious to any of you actually use them?

My daughter had a bouquet of flowers from her First Communion that had started to fade.  I thought maybe this method might eek a little more life out of them.  I found a shallow bowl in the same above-mentioned china cabinet (as a wedding gift, my Godmother gave me a gorgeous blue hobnail set - bowl, large cake plate and bride's basket - I use them as much as possible!).  After cutting the stems to 3-4" in length, I tucked them into the holes and filled in the arrangement.

This took just a few minutes and looks great.  I may have to use this frog more often now.  Peonies are just starting to bloom...
Enjoy your Springtime, Everyone!

linked up to the Farmgirl Friday Blog Hop


  1. Poenies would be gorgeous in your hobnail dish! Very pretty!!!!

  2. Yes, I know what these are and have used them. I also like the old wire ones.

    1. I didn't know there were wire ones! Now I don't feel old enough... :)
