
Wednesday, May 9, 2012

24 Tips on Food-Saving

I love Better Homes & Gardens. I stare longingly at those pictures of beautiful homes I will never live in, and when that's not enough, I go to the garden pages.....ahhh.

Back to reality.

There is a good amount of practical tips in this magazine which I suppose keeps us coming back for more torture each month. I was just flipping through the latest edition, okay, so it's from 1943, but it could be last months copy, and you might not know the difference, Well the 15 cent price on the front does give it away, but the advice can still be very current. This issue has 24 tips on food saving.

One tip to save drippings or grease is already in use, thanks to my "new" vintage GREASE canister from my mother.

I also already combine the last little bits of cereal into one bowl to make a full serving. Cereal is WAY too expensive in my book to be throwing out. Turning bottles upside down to get the last bit and turning dried-up bread into bread crumbs are familiar routine in my kitchen, but there were a few new tips. Do you eat Cream of Wheat or grits? Is there some leftover? If so, save in a rinsed out glass and chill. Unmold cereal and slice into rings to fry for tomorrows breakfast. I must admit this sounds good to me, especially with a little marinara on top and Parmesan cheese. You could even fry it in some of your reserved drippings!

I love making lemon meringue pie but hate throwing away yolks, seems like such a waste. Sometimes I save them and throw an extra yolk in to my scrambled eggs. Another tip recommends covering them with cold water and storing in the fridge. Then poaching them for ten minutes and putting them through a coarse sieve. Use them to top salads, in sandwich filling or creamed dishes. More possibilities are floating through my mind.

Some of the best food saving tips I use start before you go to the grocery store. I make out a menu plan/grocery list for two weeks at a time. This enables me to see where I can use a item in multiple dishes, and disguise leftovers in the next days lunch. It also enables me to write down exactly how much I need of an item, perhaps buying those black sesame seeds in bulk is cheaper when you only need a tablespoon.

Starting a compost pile has given me the most gratification knowing that even the inedible parts of my produce will go towards growing new beautiful food in my garden.

I also try to tackle things I can never seem to use completely, tomato paste is my favorite. As small as those cans are you rarely use the whole can in a recipe, so I have begun portioning out the remainders a tablespoon at a time and freezing it. This saves time and money. Are there any leftovers you use up in a favorite way? Do you have a grocery list you use? Let us know, we're always looking for a good tip.

Recommended books:
Make it Fast Cook it Slow by Stephanie o'Dea
Family Feasts for $75 a Week by Mary Ostyn

1 comment:

  1. My kids love eating rubbery Cream of Wheats. I never thought to fry it!
