
Saturday, January 28, 2012

That girl's got style!

I met Collette at last years Symco Shakedown, and instantly fell in love with her style. She is always reinventing her self and pushing the limits, which I love. I had a chance to interview Collette and here's your introduction to this pinup delight!

HVG-How/when did you get into the rockabilly style?

Collette-I knew of the pinup and vintage style, but didn't know it actually had a name- Rockabilly. My best friend introduced me to the lifestyle and I adapted some of the style to make it my own- I identifiy more with the psychobilly culture, I'm all about skulls and funky colors. My look has more of an edge to it, but still stays true to vintage roots. I am self taught when it comes to MUAH (make-up and hair), I used to watch my mother putting on her makeup when I was a little girl. I would see her transform and watch how something as simple as makeup could change her whole mood and outlook. She would smile and feel beautiful. I knew then that I wanted to help other girls look their best and feel good about themselves. It doesnt matter how you look, its how you feel.  I have done a few photoshoots, where I had my MUAH done and honestly, I would always end up changing it up because my day to day looked better than what was done for a shoot. That was when I decided that I was not going to let anyone else do my MUAH. I had gotten so many compliments that I decided to start offering my services for makeup and hair. I have worked wtih several photographers and created some out of the box looks. I appreciate traditional pinup style, but the looks I have created for my clients have more of an artistic feel.

HVG-What's the best & worst comments you've gotten on your hair?

Collette-I have been stopped more times than I can count by people who just want to tell me that they love my hair- the color, the style, the accessories. I do get some negative repsonse, mostly comments about the pink colors I use, but I am who I am, so I let it slide.

HVG-What's your favorite hair accessory?

Collette-I love bows, the bigger the better. I make most of my own hair accessories, I do wear hairflowers, but they always have a skull or bat in the center.

HVG-Where do you get your inspiration for your hairstyle?

Collette-I see many different elements of hairstlyes I like, from a faux-hawk, to victory rolls, pompadours. I take the pieces that I like and try to incorporate it into my hairstyle, all depending on the day and my mood.

HVG-What is your must-have hair product?

Collette-I can't live without aerosol hairspray. Not the cheapie drug store stuff  ( fine when you are in a pinch) but the higher end salon aerosol. Try and buy the best you can afford, you can really tell the difference. The salon hairsprays have a better hold and brush out easier .

HVG-What is your favorite lipstick/beauty product?

Collette-I love doing makeup, it's my passion. As far as lipstick, I normally use lip gloss, as I am not a huge fan of color on my lips. However, I always take time on my eyes. I use Bella Terra mineral eyeshadows, because the pigments are deep and the shadow lasts all day. The color pallet is extensive, from neturals to bright glittery shades. As far as my favorite beauty product, I would have to say my MAC primer and foundation. Drugstore brands are okay, but once you use a quality foundation, you will never go back to buying your makeup at a drugstore again. The higher quality foundation helps achieve a flawless finish and look. Your pores won't be clogged, your skin won't be as oily, and no breakouts. As I said before, try and buy the best you can afford when it comes to something you are putting on your face or using on your hair.

HVG- What are music are you playing in repeat right now?

Collette-Right now, I have Johnny Got a Boom Boom by Imedla May stuck in my head. I listen to all genres of music, I am a fan of punk and rock. I listen to music when I'm getting ready- its a staple

May her rockin' style be an inspiration to you.
You can find out more about Collette at

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