
Wednesday, June 1, 2011


I have been dreaming about picking(read eatting) strawberries ever since we picked them last year. Picking strawberries are a sweet slice of midwest life for me. I remember picking with my grandparents when I was younger. This was a chore I couldn't wait for, spending the morning in the sun, red stained fingers and lips, and eatting almost as much as I picked. Then we washed those little rubies in grandmas old metal wash pans outside and she would make us a fresh strawberry pie.
So my plans for what I will make with my little gems are already forming in my head. Last year, I made Strawberry-Basil Jam, most of which went in Christmas gifts, but this year I don't know that I can part with all those gorgeous jars of sweetness.

Here are some ideas for preserving this little slice of summer.
Strawberry-Rhubarb jam
Strawberry Syrup
Strawberry-Basil Jam
Strawberry pureed cubes
Homemade Strawberry Ice cream

  • Look under leaves for berries
  • Pick fully ripe berries, any size
  • Handle berries gently
  • Don't pile berries too high
  • Protect berries from sun and heat
  • Refrigerate berries loosely covered
  • Don't wash until ready to use
  • Strawberries generally keep for 2 to 3 days (if you can resist them)
Have fun picking!

1 comment:

  1. Strawberries and raspberries are fruits we look forward picking and eating as well. They usually don't stay around long enough to spoil. MMMMM, chocolate covered strawberries, yummy.
