
Friday, May 6, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

This is just a small tribute to those "mother's" who have influenced us over the years.

Marion Wall Sharpe
Kat- When I cook or sew I am often reminded of my grandmother. She was a great influence in my love for gardening, sewing, and cooking. What I remember most about growing up with Grandma is her huge garden and preserving the bounty it produced. This is where I learned to weed, water, and harvest lots of vegetables. Which leads to cooking, I often joke that I was "spoiled" on Grandma's homemade cookies, when referring to my dislike for most store bought cookies. I still remember digging into her ice cream cone shaped cookie jar to see what gem would come out(her soft molasses were by far, my favorite). I was spoiled in a way, I am still very surprised at the lack of variety in some people diets. Grandma has taught me a love for a wide variety of foods and entertaining. We used to have the best picnics and I loved carrying out the trays of food. Lastly I remember Grandma teaching me how to sew, it was my first formal dress. It was a blue/black metallic halter dress. I still remember the excitement of cutting the material.
Thank you Grandma for all the great memories and skills. Happy Mother's Day!

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely tribute. I can just picture all of that in my head.
